Monday 12 September 2011

Boys...What are little boys made of ?

"What are little boys made of ?" asks the old rhyme. I am about discover something of the world  of little boys. My younger daughter had a little boy most appropriately, on Labour Day.

The rhyme answers its question with "frogs and snails and puppy dog tails". To me this answer has always been a little obscure.

I know far more about the world of little girls, not only because I was one, but throughout my life, little girls far out numbered little boys at most gatherings.  I have always been curious about little boys doings, but they knew how to keep their exploits for the most part private.  In their forts in the woods boys were ever vigilant for the spying eyes of girls.

All this seems very sexist. I have two small grand daughters and I know they are made of far more than "sugar and spice and everything nice".  My five year old grand daughter took great interest in the progress of the decaying seal on the shore this summer. This would  fit in the category "frogs, snails, puppy dog tails" I suppose. She came home to play with her mummy's Mandy and Jenny dolls on the porch with far less enthusiasm. Both little girls seem to have an overwhelming penchant for things pink, but their lives explode into a world  of so many other colours.

At the moment, the little tyke's wardrobe is laden with images of trucks and trains and scary alligators. The future will tell wether he will love his little monkey as well as a prized collection of wheeled vehicles.

My wee little grandson as he approaches the end of his first week, has exemplified the reality that little baby boys are every bit as beautiful as little baby girls. They are all wonders.

So far, I haven't learned much.  The future holds many stories.

What I do know is that there is endless love for each little being.