Sunday 27 September 2015

The crows tumble

The sun is shining, the wind is strong enough to let me know the time of summer zephyrs has past for now, it is cold enough to cull through my loved winter socks to warmly decorate my feet, and the wood is stacked and ready for its final call to duty.

Good people fill my life. We gathered at a home, high on a cliff along the Fundy, last night, to celebrate birthdays. In reality we were celebrating friendship, indeed life. Each arrival was greeted with enthusiasm and introductions were hurled through air, often missing the mark, but nevertheless, confirming everyone was welcome.

Meat roasted on the large outdoor grill, the salads and other accompanying dishes gradually filled up one table and then took over another. Wine bottles gathered on another table with a motley assortment of glasses. Many remained uncorked, ready for another time.

As it got dark, it got colder. Car blankets draped the cold shoulders of the unprepared.  Ever changing groups of people filled and refilled their plates. In time the weaker among us sought shelter inside the house with its heated floors. Hugs and laughter. Laughter and hugs. Friends of friends have become friends.

My cousin and his band clunked around their equipment in a corner for awhile, then the music began. Refugees from the sixties, moved their longtime moves. Mountain dancing has evolved its own unique style.  The few younger participants, with mesmerising moves, let us know time had moved on, but that didn't seem to matter. The combinations of dancers was ever changing.  The music was good and my cousin was happy.

This morning is a" back into bed morning". Sunday morning reverie is enhanced as I hear from my kids and grandkids that for the most part, all is well in their worlds.

I patiently, and a wee bit apprehensively, await the eclipse of the blood red moon and the highest tides in years, tonight

For now, I'll watch the crows tumbling through the sky, for the sheer love of it.