Wednesday 28 November 2012


I live in a very small community that is indeed boundless.

Small drops make ever expanding ripples that are noticed.

If someone loses a dog, others know, and what is more they care. When there is news of a baby's arrival, whether locally or hundreds of miles, even thousands of miles away, hearts celebrate.

When anyone is sick or leaves the community they are missed.

Several weeks ago, there was a horrific car accident on a rural road, late at night. Two teenagers were thrown from the car and gravely injured. They were flown to Halifax by helicopter, because they needed highly intensive care. Just recently they were moved from intensive care. Their lives have been drastically changed, but everyone is hoping for the best. The members of the community are heartbroken.

As the news spread so did the question "What can I do ? ".  The answer was a lot. Some addressed the immediate needs of the families. Some opened their wallets to help with the immediate expences. Notes were written, prayers continue and I can just imagine the casseroles that were flying out one door into another. Everyone did what they could.

Good people organized an incredible brunch at the Community Hall. The spirit of the event was even better than the excellent breakfast, with all the trimmings, right down to homemade jam. The next day a Bean Supper was held at the large firehall in the nearby town. The building was overcrowded with musicians, tables covered with items to be auctioned, a string of individuals carrying in large pots and trays of fresh sweets and happy people enjoying the homemade baked bean supper.

At both events, there were boxes, for freewill donations, by the door. People gave as they were able. For the most part the contributions were five, ten and twenty dollar bills and a significant jangle of loonies and twoonies. When the money was counted there was over thirteen thousand dollars. This is from a community with deep pockets but not all that much in them.

The amazing thing is a family friend is fighting the good fight after a surgery gone very wrong, in a prestigious Toronto hospital. There will be no Bean Suppers for him and his family, but there are people scattered across the continent, who would be having them if they were needed. It might be a little more complicated, but it would happen.

It is comforting to know that the spirit of practical compassion that is so present here is present wherever people care. Community is an essential foundation stone of living.