Friday 2 March 2012

Good Things

Good Things

1. fresh snow
2. chickadees
4. the scent of newly cut hay
5. Apple computers
6. respect of family and friends
7. organic brown rice
8. homemade ice cream
9. the endless tide
10. front porch
11. side porch
12. willow trees
13. nests
14. dogs of all sorts
15. chipmunks
16. asparagus
17. well cooked fish
18. bright colours
19. sun streaming in a window
20. books
21. poetry
22. red flannelette sheets
23. Canadian landscapes
24. first daffodils
25. holly bushes
26. poutine
27. fine offspring
28. fine family
29. fine friends
30. pebbly beaches
31. mud flats
32. array of apples
33. home
34. barbeques
35. shore suppers
36. local choir
37. lucky stones
38. a letter in the mailbox
39. the smell of spring
40. spring peepers
41. old houses
42. candlelight
43. thanksgiving
44. fluffy pillows
45. local food.
46. pure water
47. tea made with pure water.
48. rain washing windows
49. safe car
50. new glasses
51. clean hair
52. comfortable clothes
53. bright socks
54. favourite shoes.
55. prime ribs of beef
56. real hamburgers.
57. homemade baked beans
58. peaches ripened on the tree.
59. the sound of a brook
60. laughter
61. the smell of cedars
62. canoes
63. 4 leafed clover
65. success of a friend
66. hummingbirds
67. crows
68. flying squirrels
69. soft breezes
70. fog at the shore
71. icicles
72. well worn nighties
73. washed dishes
74. clothesline.
75. woodpiles.
76. asparagus
77. freshly cut grass
78. night skies
79. northern lights
80. bagpipes.
81. clean windows
82. clean clothes from the clothesline.
83. children's drawings
84. healthy septic system
85. endless white beaches
86. wild roses
87. huge snow drifts
88. moss
89. cows in a field
90. lupin covered hills
91. fall maples.
92. full tank of gas
93. ironed white cotton sheets
94. camp songs
95. nursery rhymes
96. warm bath.
97. silence.
98. Niagara Falls
99. unusual lists
100. cbc radio
101. health