Monday 19 August 2013

Lupin Hill Worry List

1. We don't seem to to be DOING enough about global warming. The birds and animals and insects, the sea levels, the thermometers, the weather are warning us that we must universally get our act together now and we aren't DOING such a great job.

2. We don't know enough about the long term effects of Genetically Modified food.

3. There is such a disparity in the hope for the futures of babies being born into this world.

4. Apathy is destroying democracy.

5. Power is too concentrated.

6. The Maritimes is producing good people who economically are being forced to work elsewhere. Those choosing to remain behind suffer economically and are often mislabelled as unwilling to work. This is economic cleansing.

7. Too many fishermen are losing their lives trying to make a living.

8. Thistles are taking over the hill.

9. Little kids from the wrong families are discriminated against at school.

10. Too many big kids are losing their lives on the roads.

11. The bees are dieing.

12. The bats are dieing.

13. The oceans are dieing.

14. I can't understand how corporations are people.

15. So many elderly are being ignored and forgotten.

!6. My kitchen floor needs painting again.

17. Things are highly overrated.

18. For many it is so difficult  to find the time to ....

19. Excellent health care is not universally available.

20. Equal access to justice does not exist.

21. My dog Moses is getting too fat.

22. Newspapers are disappearing.

23. There isn't enough joy going around.

24. There are still too many pot holes on Russia Road.

25. Too much hope is being replaced by bitterness.

26. We don't have enough respect for pure water as a necessity.

27. Some people's rights are more valuable than others.

28. Native people need action not words.

29. Few realize that our wilderness is as valuable as our cities.

30. The jails are too full.

31. Serious mental health issues are not being addressed.

32. Farmers are under appreciated.

33. What is going on with all these drugs?

34. The many understandings that swirl around the concept "enough"are unacknowledged.

Thanks for letting me get this off my ample chest.