Sunday 28 April 2013

The Joys of Spring Cleaning

Yes, there is joy in spring cleaning. I am presently taking a wee break from the joy, to record this fleeting insight.

Usually in "before" and "after" pictures of all sorts, I opt for the "before". In spring cleaning, I have an opportunity of fully appreciating the "after". Keep in mind, that for many, my "after" would be a nightmare of "before". Wood heat, big dog with big paws, muddy driveway, outside footwear inside lead, to put it bluntly, inside dirt.

It is not that I don't give the floors a quick brush or mop every so often, but thorough, frequent scrubbing does not seem to have secured a place on my life path. I strive to make the housekeeping category "almost ok".

I sometimes joke, in the muddiest times of the year, that I am considering going into Shurgain, to buy some seeds to plant on my kitchen floor. They say humour has roots in reality.

It is not just the the floors whose deeper cleanliness is hidden beneath a substantial patina of living. I really try to quickly dust when I begin to be tempted to leave messages in the furniture dust.

The frig is done. The kitchen chairs are washed.

Just this morning, I tried a cleaning tip, I saw this week on the computer- how to effectively clean your chandelier. Yes, I have a chandelier. It is not in the dining room, as I chose not to have a dining room, because I wanted to eat and entertain in my big friendly kitchen.

My chandelier is a wonder, I picked up at a garage sale, on my way to visit a daughter at university, years and years ago. Blue and pink and purple and crystal clusters of grapes with their delicate green glass leaves, hang from the piece. Candlelike  low wattage bulbs glow in place. What a wonderful delight for my bedroom ceiling, as it accents the nature inspired life on the wallpaper.

The reality is to clean such an item is a big deal.

But not this time. This time I took my recently purchased hairdryer, with an extension cord, with me as stepped with aplomb up onto the bed. With the thing on high, I blasted the delicate cobwebs and the accompanying dust clots throughout the room. The results were miraculous. As I write the sunshine coming in the bedroom is having a whee of a time dancing light up onto the ceiling.

The plants that fill my bedroom window demanded immediate attention. Their delicate selves did not appreciate the leavings from the chandelier. Knowing the needs of living things have priority, they were soon whisked and spritzed. I went on to tackle the rest of the room, with rare abandon with the exception of the slatted clothes and of course the less than perfect floor. They await another burst to spurt  from a happy homemaker.

I must go now as I promised myself I would finish scrubbing the living room floor before, I go out into the sunshine. A neighbour just called to tell me to come to visit, as her  little next door neighbours' cat had just had five wee kittens on her soft kitchen chair.

I think I'll take a little fish as a gift to the new mum. The floor can wait.

Wednesday 17 April 2013

I'm choosing the Microcosm

It is a beautiful, bright sunny day. I'm planning on concentrating on life around me. There is so much out there beyond my understanding.

1. The sage plant in my bedroom has beautiful, tiny blue flowers.
2. I actually pruned many bushes before they began to spread forth.
3. At a local Hall, I learned so much about leather back turtles from a local professor and
fishing people.
4. Spring plants- Coltsfoot, crocus, pussy willows, cilia - so far.
5. The little boys are running down to play on the shore.
6. A little boy fishes for trout in the brook.
7. The old dogs lie out in the sun.
8. The red lumps on the rhubarb plants are emerging.
9. The first spring peeper has made a call.
10. Gardening gloves replace mittens.
11. there are times when it is ok to let the fire go out.
12. Jackets replace snow wear.
13. Some people have had their snow tires changed.
14. I wake up to bird songs.
15.A local farmer is sugaring off.
16.Running shoes replace boots.
17. It is time to bring out the chairs on the front porch.
18. The wild leeks are making their appearance.
19. The hot dogs for shore suppers are in the frig.
20. The choir is preparing for Spring Concerts.
21. Relatives are making arrangements for summer visits.
22. Clotheslines are a flutter.
23.There is enough light for the children to play outside after supper.
24. The soccer teams are forming.
25. The last snow from the mighty drifts have almost disappeared.
26.Pens for chickens are being prepared.
27.Open seed catalogues rest on kitchen tables.
28. It is not all that long until lobster season.
29. The cottagers are returning.
30. People from town are checking out the bay.
31. I no longer have to wrap myself up in a comforter, to sit in the television room.
32.The crows are jovial.
33. The willows glow yellow.
34.the birches and maples glow pink.
35. I am thinking of finishing the painting in the kitchen.
35. Composts are once again a common topic of conversation.
36. The red wigglers are free n the garden.
37.The snow shovel is in the barn.
38.Outdoor rinks have disappeared and the NHL soldiers on.
39.The sun is setting farther and farther up the bay.
40.The Gaspereau are surging up some rivers.
41.The farmers are busy in the orchards.
42.The small and big rock falls continue.


Monday 15 April 2013

discombobulate verb

Definition of discombobulate verb

[with object] humorous, chiefly North American disconcert or confuse (someone):(as adjective discombobulated)  he is looking a little pained and discombobulate.

I am discombobulated.
                 This weekend I heard the term "monetizing compassion" in a television political discussion. Apparently this is an emerging term. 

  •          Monetization is the process of converting or establishing something into legal tender. It usually refers to the coining of currency or the printing of banknotes by central banks. Things such as golddiamonds and emeralds generally do have intrinsic value based on their rarity or quality and thus provide a premium not associated with fiat currency unless that currency is "promissory": That is the currency promises to deliver a given amount of a recognized commodity of a universally (globally) agreed to rarity and value, providing the currency with the foundation of legitimacy or value. Though rarely the case with paper currency, even intrinsically relatively worthless items or commodities can be made into money, so long as they are difficult to make or acquire. Monetization may also refer to exchanging securities for currency, selling a possession, charging for something that used to be free or making money on goods or services that were previously unprofitable. 
    • Compassion is the understanding or empathy for the suffering of others. It is regarded as a fundamental part of human love, and a cornerstone of greater social interconnection and humanism —foundational to the highest principles in philosophy, society, and personhood

What the hell!

Where are we going? 

I can't understand why low paid jobs are being sent offshore, while many here in the East Coast are desperately looking for work.

I can't understand why Canadian International Development has to be tied to our economic good as children continue to needlessly die of Aids in Africa. 

I can't understand why the process of accepting refugees to our country is a less and less welcoming process.

I can't understand why we have difficulty recognizing the First Peoples' rights, because those rights are at odds with with our financial benefit.

I can't understand why we and our companies can irrevocably maim the good earth, without thought for those who will follow us.

I can't understand why it is necessary for more and more people to sleep on the street.
                             why so many desperate mothers do their food shopping at the Dollar Store.
                             why some families can't afford to wash their clothes.
                             why there can be such a chasm between those with so much and those
                             with little.

To be honest I'll never understand. 

Monetizing compassion is an impossibility.

I am discombobulated. (not humourous)

Let's ALL pull together.

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Pink Shirt Day Apr. 10, 2013

In 2007, a grade nine student wore a pink shirt to school, at the local rural high school. He was mercilessly teased by a group of older boys.

The next day, two older boys came to school with fifty pink shirts for themselves and their friends. They wore the shirts as an act of solidarity with the new boy and as an act against bullies.

News of this kindness spread across the country and beyond Canada's borders. The young men were humbled by the attention they received. From their act, a movement was born. Today, is Pink Shirt Day in the Annapolis Valley, a day to address the issues of bullies and the bullied.

This past weekend, a young woman in this province took her life. The news of her life and her death have spread across the country and beyond Canada's boundaries. She killed herself because at fifteen she drank vodka, became drunk and was raped by four young men. One of these men took a picture of the rape, as it was taking place. A young man turns to the camera and gives a thumbs up.

When the young girl returned to school the next week, she discovered this picture had travelled throughout the social media of her fellow students. "Slut"was a word she heard too often that day. She was devastated. Her Facebook became a receptacle for trash.

At home, she collapsed, then told her mother the story. In time, the police were called. She did not return to her school, but enrolled in a new school. She was a good girl with a kind heart who made a mistake and became an object of distain and ridicule, when four boys obsenely took advantage of her mistake.

Unfortunately, there will be much to discuss on this "Pink Shirt Day". Rape and harassment are on a path so far beyond bullying, but have roots in the same dangerous thinking that there are excuses that allow some humans to treat other humans, inhumanely. Humans are humans, who must all be treated with respect.

At this moment there are girls in local schools being labelled sluts and of course, the boys are just being boys.

One fine young girl took her life last weekend. Two years of suffering became more than she could bare.

The communities that touch young peoples' lives must provide  effective ways for both young men and young women to discover the honourable ways, to be human with each other, in this confusing world.