Saturday 14 December 2013

Snowstorms Change Plans

The wood is in, the fire heats the house and there is not a sweet little boy sleeping in the front room of the house.

The plans had been made forever, but, Old Man Winter seems to have made other plans. A big old storm is forming itself up to take on Nova Scotia, this weekend.

I love snowstorms. Snowstorms here and snowstorms there are wonderful. It is the treachery of roads between here and there, that present the problems. Loved ones travelling in whizzing plastic vehicles , through blustery "white outs" is not an option. Adults make adult decisions, even if they are made reluctantly.

How I wanted to go out the front door, with my grandson to choose a little tree for the living room. Tree decorating has become a smaller and smaller enterprise for me, through the years. All that is needed is enough light and joy to catch the wonder. It won't be the same cutting a tiny tree without a small person by my side. I'll have to imagine him here in spirit.

He won't be able to see the sea boil in the deep cold, he won't be at the community Christmas gathering. To be honest, I won't be able to present a special piece of my universe to the community.

We won't be gathering around the table with his parents and my cousin, laughing as we enjoy eachothers' company.

The universe unfolds as the universe unfolds.

Christmas still awaits. I hope Old Man Winter will let us gather together at my small grandson's house next week.

For now, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.